Residential Window Cleaning in Modesto, CA


What is included in the standard window washing service?

  • Window panes cleaned
  • Frames wiped down
  • Track’s dusted (inside only)
  • Screen’s removed, dusted, and replaced

This service does NOT include: screen repair or hard water stain removal(explained below).

How do we clean?

I use a special plant-based solution mixed with water that effectively cuts through dirt and grime. This solution leaves drastically less residue than the standard window cleaning agent. Most 2nd story work is done with a pole so as to minimize the risks associated with ladders- although one is always brought to the job to ensure a proper clean no matter the circumstances.

A drop cloth/towel will always be used on inside cleanings to absorb any stray cleaning solution. Any hindering furniture will be moved at customer’s approval.

Commercial Window Cleaning also available.

Hard Water Stain Removal in Modesto

“Hard” water is water that contains a number of dissolved minerals, like calcium and silica. Hard water stains result from this type of water drying on your windows- the H2O is gone and leaves behind the minerals. Over time these stains can chemically react to the glass to become part of the glass itself. Although it is called a “stain” it can be compared to the sun damage you see on old cars. Just like you wouldn’t expect to fix that car’s damage with a car wash, you cannot expect to fix hard water stains with a simple window cleaning. It takes restoration techniques and solvents that are some of window cleaning’s best kept secrets.

Where does it come from?

The two biggest culprits: sprinklers and pool equipment. In this part of California, our water straight from the tap is considered “hard”. So when these fiendish water shooters spray your windows the central valley sun bakes it into your windows and ultimately damages it.

How do I/you get rid of it?

There’s two types or degrees of stains.

Mild– The stains have appeared within the last year, and are rough to the touch. This means the window has a buildup of mineral deposits, but may not be damaged just yet. These can be taken out with mild acids found in many store bought cleaners. For the average homeowner I would recommend Bar Keepers Friend used with a white scrub pad. Yes, there are many “home remedies” out there like lemon juice and vinegar but I personally prefer to use chemicals designed to clean window surfaces.

Severe– The stains have been on the window for multiple years, and it may feel smooth to the touch. At this point you wish it was just some water buildup, now it has bonded with the outside layer of the glass and cannot be removed without strong acids or abrasives. If it’s bad enough you may need power tools to polish off the outer layer of damage on your window. These types of stains are commonly found in glass shower doors and is often marketed as “shower door restoration.”

For any water damage you feel uncomfortable dealing with on your own, please call an expert for a free consultation.